Elliot Smith

I realise I've done a lot of music post recently and not many fashion ones but I will do some more fashion ones again I promise! I'm thinking this will be one of the last of the music ones because who am I kidding? I am not knowledgeable about music! come to think of it I'm hardly knowledgeable about fashion either so maybe I should rethink what I just said...

Anyway I love music but I have zero talent in that area. But I borrowed a Bass of a family friend who was in a fairly prominent Dublin band from back in the day called the pale ( doubt you've heard of them I hadn't either!) So I am attempting to learn Bass but as always I've gotten completely sidetracked! I've been listening to a lot of Elliot smith again and I've decided that I would be satisfied if I learned one of his songs on guitar. I was considering doing Thirteen and I think its not technicality an Elliot smith song. But it was one of the first songs of his that I heard so I'm counting it as one.

haven't decided yet though and I'm pretty sure that I'll pick up the guitar,have one lesson and give up.But if it does happen I might even consider venturing out and learning more songs! crazy I know...

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