Its like your living in a bowl..

My current obsession is my lomographic fisheye camera I got for christmas. Its small and light enough I can bring it everywhere and discreet enough I can take a picture without anyone noticing!It has a pretty big cult following. I think especially because its lomography and that has such dedicated nerdy fans.There is a site dedicated to my camera and it pretty much sums up the amazingness of it

"Good-humored, ironic, rock n' roll, and VERY wide Hold on tight. Imagine everything above, below, and around you streaming through your eyes and compacting into a nice and compact little ball. Think about your best friend's nose being vacuum-sucked into your lens, all the while their eyes and forehead are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d back. Visualize yourself bowled over by the devastating colors that only fine glass can deliver. The world's first honest-to-God Fisheye camera is here and waiting to swim into your life. Open your heart, stretch out your hands, and grease up your fins."

These are some of the first role of film I used when I got the camera.There not amazing or anything but I'm happy with them for my first try. I can't wait to take some fashion pictures with it because I think the effect would be quite nice.

Also its now sold at urban outfitters so I guess that means its cool yeah?

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