Were Fated to Pretend

I have just come across this amazing band called White Lies. They supported dEUS a very good Belgian rock group at a gig in London.And guess what? It turns out they are also playing The Great Escape festival in Brighton!! Why does God hate me so much! If only I could go...I'm considering going and just leaving my parents a note when I leave? Because I keep finding amazing bands who happen to be playing it! Anyway definitely check out their myspace http://www.myspace.com/whiteliesuk
They wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea though. I think their mellow in a non boring way,slightly reminiscent of Joy Division. I think that might just be the English thing though because they seem very British to me.

Oh to Dave who left the comment about Team Waterpolo your right they are good! I will add them to my list of must sees if I ever make it to Brighton.

I will leave with this song that I am really liking by MGMT. The videos a tad psychedelic for me though!

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